About Me

I'm a 36 year old happily married SAHM, college student. I have 3 beautiful little terrors who drive me insane by being so much like me. I am fighting the good fight against a rare auto immune disease called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hi, I'm Every Girl

Well as the title says Just A Girl. I have hopes, dreams, a present, future, and of course a past.
So let me tell you some about me. I'm 34 (ugh just recently hit that number) but mentally I'm still in my 20s for the most part. I'm happily married to ( and I know this is cliche) my best friend. We have 3 wonderful, amazing, hair pulling, trouble making, normal kids. One girl ( preteen) and two boys ( 5 & 3). We live in a small town.
I have 2 sisters ( one older, one younger) and 1 brother. My oldest sister wasn't raised with us, so while we love each other we aren't very close. My parents are still married ( their second marriage to each other).
So while all that seems normal and to look at me I'm normal. I'm unfortunately not like every girl. While I have almost everything in common with other girls, I have something they don't. I have mixed connective tissue disease. Yay me! NOT!!
To sum up MCTD easily my body is attacking itself from within. There is no cure. All my Dr. can do is try and help me prevent further damage to my body, keep me from being in pain, and try to help me keep my sanity. To look at me I look healthy. Yet what healthy person do you know that takes over 16 pills a day?? MCTD is rare. Not much is known other than it is painful and debilitating. I was diagnosed a year ago this month. But you'll hear enough about MCTD as my blog goes on lol.
So what's the reason for this blog?? Why am I wanting to put all this out there?? At times I need to vent, others I need to cry. I guess I just need to know that someone hears me.
Well I guess that's about it for tonight. I think I'm finally starting to get sleepy ( I have wicked insomnia) so night or now and I'll be around soon. Probably more often then you want to read.


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